Internal Medicine and Oncology Team
Our Internal Medicine and Oncology Specialists
Our Trusted IMO Team
IMO Team
Dr Anna
Dr Alexa
Dr Kathrin
Dr Jenny
Dr Linda
Dr Tiarni
Dr Candice
Dr Eben Martin
Small Animal Surgical Resident
Following graduation from the University of Melbourne in 2010 with a Bachelor of Veterinary Science, Eben continued to work in his home town of Melbourne in small animal general and emergency practice. In 2015 he lived in the UK and worked in small animal practice, whilst playing semi-professional cricket. Upon returning later that year, he became partner in a large practice in the northern suburbs of Melbourne and in 2016 obtained membership to the Emergency and Critical Care chapter of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists by examination. Although Eben had worked primarily in emergency practice his passion always lay with surgery and in 2018 Eben moved to the sunny Perth to begin a 12 month internship at WAVES. During this same year he obtained entry into the Surgical Chapter of the College by examination, and in 2019 Eben began a three year surgical residency training program at WAVES. Although a long way from his family, Eben is loving his time in Perth, and considers it his home away from home. Eben has keen interest in orthopaedic surgery as well as emergency and trauma surgery.
Dr Aaron Moles
European and Australian recognised Specialist in Small Animal Surgery
Dr Aaron Moles is a registered specialist in small animal surgery. After graduating from the University of Sydney in 1994, he owned and ran a successful small animal clinic in the northern suburbs of Brisbane for more than ten years. Aaron became a member of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists by examination in Small Animal Surgery in 2005. In 2006 he took up a position with Murdoch University in Western Australia as a surgeon in their small animal referral hospital and subsequently completed formal residency training programs with both the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists and the European College of Veterinary Surgeons. By examination, he is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Scientists, a qualification that affords worldwide recognition as a small animal surgical specialist.
Dr Troy Bunn
Small Animal Internal Medicine Registrar
BVSc MVetClinStud GradDip
Dr Jenny Ellis
European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Jenny completed a Biological Natural Sciences degree (immunology and virology) at the University of Cambridge in 2005, followed by graduation from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies at the University of Edinburgh in 2010. Jenny then worked in small animal general practice in the UK for three years, during which time she completed a GP Certificate in Feline Practice. This was followed by an internship and residency in Internal Medicine at a private hospital near London, achieving specialist status in 2018 through the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.
Jenny moved from the UK to Western Australia in late 2018 to join WAVES. She spent four years working full time before taking a break to travel around the country. Jenny returned to WAVES part time in 2024 and loves being back with her patients and the team here. She has a particular interest in immunology and infectious disease, and all things to do with cats! Jenny spends her free time running in the hills, at the beach, and generally enjoying the Aussie sun!
Dr Nick Lai
Medical Oncologist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Dr Nick graduated from the University of Sydney in 2015, and moved to Perth to begin a rotating internship in a referral practice. He then spent 2 years in general practice, and then a further 2 years in an Emergency practice in Perth.
He attained membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in Small Animal Medicine in 2019, before moving back to Sydney to complete a 3-year residency program in medical
oncology, at a busy, private referral hospital. This residency program has taken him to externships at the University of California (Davis), University of Wisconsin (Madison) and the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. Nick’s clinical interests include canine and feline lymphoma, as well as cancer immunology and the tumours for which the
immune system is thought to be key to stopping its progression(osteosarcoma and malignant melanoma).
Dr Alexa Brown
European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
BVSc (Hons) MANZCVSc (Small Animal Medicine) DipECVIM-CA GradDipVetStud (Small Animal Clinical Studies)
Alexa graduated from The University of Sydney in 2002 and spent six years working in small animal practice in both Australia and the United Kingdom. In 2009 she returned to The University of Sydney and completed a rotating small animal clinical internship. In 2010 she obtained Membership of the Australian New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in Small Animal Medicine and completed a Graduate Diploma in Veterinary Clinical Studies. From 2011-2014 she completed a residency in small animal internal medicine at Murdoch University. She obtained Diplomate status of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine – Companion Animals (Internal Medicine) in 2017 and is currently completing a Masters in Veterinary Studies. Alexa joined the team at WAVES in July 2014, and has recently returned from maternity leave. Alexa has a particular interest in endocrinology, immunology and infectious diseases.
Dr Anna Tebb
European and Australian recognised Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Anna graduated from Cambridge Veterinary School in 2000. She went onto complete a rotating internship following by a residency training programme in small animal medicine at Glasgow University which ended in 2004. She became a Specialist after successfully completing her European diploma in Small Animal Medicine in 2007. Anna has worked at several different University and private practices in the UK and Australia. Her research interests include canine endocrinology and fungal infectious diseases and she has a particular interest in the management of haematological diseases.
Dr Anna Tebb is the owner and manager of Small Animal Medicine Specialists Pty Ltd, providing specialist small animal internal medicine services at WAVES.
Dr Kathrin Langner
European recognised Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Dr med vet DipECVIM-CA FHEA
Kathrin completed her veterinary degree at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover, Germany. Subsequently, she followed her fascination for immunology and completed a doctorate in allergic dermatitis in horses. She continued to work in the field of veterinary immunology as a lecturer and postdoctoral researcher at the United States Department of Agriculture in Laramie, Wyoming USA and at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hannover. After becoming increasingly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of pets owned by family and friends, Kathrin decided to combine her love for immunology with small animal internal medicine and completed a three-year training program at the Small Animal Hospital at the University of Hannover.
After obtaining specialist status in 2015, Kathrin exchanged the cold weather in northern Germany for the warm and sunny climate in Perth. After working for 6 years at The Animal Hospital at Murdoch University Kathrin joined the medicine team at WAVES in 2021. Her main interests are hematology, infectious diseases and endocrinology. Kathrin also enjoys postgraduate teaching and continues to pursue research, mainly in the field of Cushing’s syndrome in dogs.
Dr Tiarni Johnston
Small Animal Internal Medicine Resident
In 2022 she studied for and passed the ANZCVS exams in Small Animal Internal Medicine, attaining Membership status. She has since driven across the country to Perth to start her residency training with the internal medicine department to become a specialist in this field. Tiarni has a particular love for cats and has two of her own named Benedict and Henry.
Dr Candice Yeo
Small Animal Internal Medicine Resident
Candice graduated from Murdoch University in 2015. After this she worked in general practice in Singapore for 5 years.
Candice then moved back to Australia, completing an ECC internship at North Shore Veterinary hospital followed by an internal medicine internship at QVS in Brisbane.
Candice has successfully attained membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in Small Animal Medicine 2023, followed by membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in feline medicine in 2024. Candice commenced a residency program approved by the European College of Veterinary internal medicine at WAVES in March last year. Candice is passionate for all things feline- she loves management of chronic feline medical conditions at WAVES and continues this feline obsession at home with her feline friend Butternut.
Dr Linda Tong
Senior Registrar Internal Medicine
Linda qualified from the University of Queensland in 2004. After six years in small animal practice, she completed a residency in small animal medicine at Murdoch University. Following her residency completion in 2014, Linda worked at Western Australian Veterinary Emergency and Specialty (WAVES) for six years, and completed a Masters at Murdoch University, in the area of platelet indices, and canine heart disease. Linda worked with the Medicine Team at another Perth veterinary specialist for 5 years and has now returned to the team at WAVES. Linda enjoys all aspects of internal medicine, and has a clinical and research interest in inherited immunological disease and fungal infection diagnosis and management.
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