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Nostri blog et nuntia nuntia certissime non sunt incomprehensibilia et nos amo de eis cogitare “Vet Blogs pro dummies”. Lectio felix!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam…HUH?
Seen this before? Lorem ipsum is a form of “greeking” where intentionally incomprehensible dummy text is used as placeholder text to test the layout of a document.
Nostri blog et nuntia nuntia certissime non sunt incomprehensibilia et nos amo de eis cogitare “Vet Blogs pro dummies”. Lectio felix!
Translates to: Our blog and news posts are definitely not incomprehensible and we like to think of them as “Vet Blogs for Dummies”. Happy reading!
News & Other Stories
Treatment Options for Hyperthyroid Cats
There are four ways of treating feline hyperthyroidism, each of which has different advantages and disadvantages.
Toxic Plants List From The ASPCA
This is an American website provided by toxicologists who work at the American Society
Human Medications
Many human medications are poisonous to the non-human members of our family
Cycads, Sago Palm and Zamia Palm Toxicity
Cycads, Sago and Zamia palms are commonly found in Perth gardens.
Blowfish Toxicity
Blowfish (blowies) and their toxic cousins (globe fish, puffer fish, toad fish and fugu) contain tetrodotoxin
Snake Evenomation
During the warmer months of the year, snake bites are a fairly common occurrence in Perth.
Veterinary Referral & Emergency Services