Surgery FAQs
Surgery Department Frequently Asked Questions
Top questions our Surgeons are asked.
These are some of the common questions we get asked when people use our services.
Things you need to know.
- We are committed to providing the best care for your pet.
- We are a referral only hospital, your pet will be referred here by your own vet. A referral from your regular vet lasts for 6 months. If your pet develops a new problem during this time or a recurrence of the same problems after this time, you will require another referral.
I've been referred for an outpatient service, what does this mean?
Referral to an outpatient service means that your vet has referred your pet to us for a specific procedure and they remain the clinician in charge your managing your pet’s condition. All communication regarding the procedure performed will be directly with your veterinarian.
What should I bring with me?
- If your animal is insured, please notify your insurance company, check the wording of your policy and bring the necessary documentation and a claim form to your appointment.
- Please check with your regular vet if you are required to bring in referral history or radiographs with you or if they will forward these onto us directly.
- Obviously bring your pet! Also please ensure your pet has been fasted overnight (may have access to water) in case procedures are required that day.
What can I expect?
Typically, after an initial consultation, a patient will be admitted for further investigations (e.g. blood tests, radiographs, ultrasound or endoscopy) or maybe re-admitted at another time at the owner’s convenience. After investigations, the pet may need to go back home to await results, but some may need to stay in for supportive treatment and care, depending on how unwell they are.
What tests and treatments are required?
The medicine clinician examining your animal will determine what tests and treatment your case requires, and will discuss these requirements with you. An estimate of the cost of investigations and treatment will be discussed with you. Please feel free during the consultation to ask any questions and discuss any worries that you might have.
How will I find out what is happening?
Contact us
Keeping you well informed about your pet is very important to us. We will do our best to be available to meet with you or to speak to you but clinical work is unpredictable, and there may sometimes be a delay before we can make contact. Please be patient under those circumstances.
Written discharge
When your pet returns home we will give you a document that outlines your pet’s condition and treatment. If you need to visit a veterinary surgeon soon after your pet is discharged please take this document with you. Your veterinary surgeon will have already been contacted to update them about your pet, so that the appropriate type of veterinary care can continue to be provided.
Formal report
A formal report will be written and sent to your veterinary surgeon soon after discharge or once all results are available.
One of the most important aspects of treatment is the follow up. Depending on the specific problem with your pet, this may be managed by your own vet or by the team at WAVES. Do not hesitate to contact us in the future.
Ongoing medication
By law we are only allowed to supply medication for an animal under our care, which means that we must have seen your pet with the preceding 6 months. If you would like us to supply you with medication for your pet and it has been longer than 6 months since we reviewed your pet, you will be required to come in for a re-visit consultation.
Have a referral?
Have you been referred by a vet? Please complete the registration form.
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Veterinary Referral & Emergency Services